How To Raise Greyhounds as Pets in NSW as Best Apartment Dogs?

Primarily, greyhounds are known as racing dogs because they are an excellent athlete on a racecourse; they are also fantastic as pets. Greyhounds as pets in NSW are suitable for being apartment dogs because of their sensitive nature, calm mind, and most significantly, they do not require much space to live. With the combination of a friendly persona and adapting character, they are perfect for apartments. However, you must follow certain aspects to raise a greyhound in an apartment.

Keep them on leash throughout when outside

As retired greyhounds are racers, they chase every small animal. If they smell or see a cat, nothing can stop them from chasing. However, they can be trained. For example, if you call them back, they will obey you. So, make sure you call them before they start chasing. It is because once the hound begins to run, it becomes difficult to stop them. So, keeping them on a leash is suitable whenever you step out with them.

Make a schedule for greyhounds to exercise

Greyhounds are generally lazy. They like to find a comfortable place and take a nap. Also, they do not need to exercise regularly. But a daily 15 to 20 minutes walk will be sufficient for them. As you live in an apartment, the appropriate way to exercise greyhounds is to walk on the terrace or the locality. In this way, they will also get along with the neighbours. As a result, this will make them the best apartment dogs. The routine of taking them for a walk must be maintained to build their energy. Hounds are strong physically, but they get scared if any unknown person approaches them. Try to take them to dog parks where they can run and stretch their legs. Knowing their surroundings will also help them to feel safe.

Adopt a retired racing greyhound

As you plan to adopt greyhounds as pets in NSW while living in an apartment, choose a retired racing greyhound because they are trained to adapt to new environments. As a result, when you take them to the new apartment, they will take less time to adjust to the new lifestyle than other breeds. Thus, greyhounds are the ultimate option when looking for an adjustable four-legged friend for living in an apartment.


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