Can Retired Racing Greyhounds Be Good Pets for You and a Good Option for Rehoming?

Anyone who has done a little research on greyhound racing will know that most participants are put down every year. Unfortunately, this happens because there aren't many rehabilitation programs available. Hence, the future of retired racing greyhounds is usually not that good.

Rehabilitating greyhounds is vital

Several non-government organisations have come forward trying to rehome these greyhounds. However, it is not easy since the general misconceptions regarding greyhounds' aggressive nature do not help the cause. It would help if you kept in mind how these greyhounds get treated on the race tracks.

How do racing greyhounds get treated?

From the time they are born till they are active on the course, greyhounds need to follow a strict routine and inculcate fierceness in them. As a result, all their lives, they get mistreated, and once their career is over, they are abandoned. Hence, it is natural for retired racing greyhounds to have trust issues and other problems which are not easy to ignore or get over.

People and their doubts regarding the subject

People usually have doubts regarding adopting a retired greyhound. If you are going through a similar thought process, it is vital to know that the fundamentals of greyhound rehoming is showing love and being reliable. If you wish to build trust with the adopted pet, you will have to give them love and show that you will be there for them always.

Making your decision carefully 

Retired greyhounds can be excellent options as a pet if you can provide love and support. However, rehoming them will also be possible, and you won’t have to worry about getting a pet with a bad temper. So you must decide after considering every aspect carefully. Only then, rehoming retired greyhounds will be a wise choice.


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